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As webmaster or owner of a Drupal website, it’s common practice to look out for new customers. It is also crucial to understand how prospective customers behave when they come to visit your website, and this is possible with the help of Google Analytics. Unfortunately Drupal site owners often fail to see the importance of their websites being properly crawled or indexed by Google. Now, Google has made things easier for businesses with Google Search Console (formerly webmaster tools) by directly communicating with website owners in order to help them get important information.

Google Search Console may not come with the trendiest user interface, but there’s more raw data in there than colorful charts and graphs. Using the system will help you improve your Drupal site's ranking in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) if you take some time to learn how it works.

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You want to grow your Drupal business an important part of this is going to be how you engage with your employees so they stay interested in what you do. As a manager of your business, your employees are just as important as the clients as you may need these employees as some point to keep your customers happy.

You may not have the current skills to keep employees engaged with your business and clients. This is where good management skills come into play. When you have happy clients, you get more referrals and repeat business. It’s in your best interest to ensure that all employees are engaged with the business and that this attitude is translating to how they interact with clients and customers. This article Looks at ways you can keep employees engaged with your business. You may have overlooked some of these and some you may not have even considered before.

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When you have a website or a blog, your credibility is important.  If your site is new this can be hard to achieve because you’re not a well-known company like Microsoft or Apple is and you need credibility in the marketplace. You need to have trust with people online to get customers and business.

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When Sooperthemes launched the Glazed drag and drop theme in June this year it quickly became the most talked about Drupal theme in our 8 years of history. Community support for our premium drupal themes even resulted in my case study being featured on the homepage.  Now in version 2.3.1 there is a ton of new stuff and I worked out some of the kinks that a minority of customers on windows machines and $2 hosting were experiencing during installation.

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This month we added a whole bunch of new designs and features to Glazed theme. These updates are all part of the new 2.3 branch of the Glazed theme. 2.3 Introduced a new theme settings interface and more layout and color options. Continuing the advancement of Glazed as a premium theme platform we added more header options and some incredible portfolio views to support a wider set of design patterns. On top of that we added a number of attractive blog layouts, and an integration with the Service Links module for easy management of social links in and around your blog posts.

Click the images below to take a closer look.




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Configuration > System > Backup and Migrate > Restore database..... Did I just load my database export on the live website? oops

If the stress of pressing the wrong button on a live website is familiar to you, you need the Environment Indicator module! On large Drupal projects you will often be using multiple environments. Local development, online development, test, acceptance and finally 'production'. Environments are easily mixed up as they probably look identical in every way except the url in the address bar.

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Node teasers simply work right? Wrong...

Node teasers are broken and most developers don't even know it, meaning it can be a pain for content creators. If you're building large websites that constantly pump out content, then read on to learn how we fix Drupal's teasers with one simple module...

I think the reason that many experienced Drupal developers don't know exists is due to the fact that they are not full-time content creators. The problems surface when your job is to create great content on a website and your company has a workflow that involves editing and checking your content meticulously. I had been working as a Drupal developer for many years before I was in a meeting, during which the content creators of a large Drupal content platform were complaining about inconsistent display of their article teasers on various parts of the website.